Stanley R. Medley maintains a number of internet websites and blogs. This article reviews his various internet sites. His current internet sites are StanleyRMedley.com (offering poetry, humor, witticism and the like.) StanleyRMedley.

net (offering all of a chance to network with each other.) StanleyRMedley.org ( Offering us his own political model, political science-fiction, and a forum for us all to express our own political models.) StanleyRMedley.info ( a place for the expression of truth.

) StanleyRMedley.com has poetry, witticisms, and other humorous offerings such as: Observation #12 (Weekdays) Who the hell likes Tuesdays, Wednesdays, And Thursdays. StanleyRMedley.net offers networking: Networking for artists, businessman, personal relationships, and anything else you can think of. StanleyRMedley.

org gives us an age old wisdom: "If you satisfy the will of the majority of the people, you will be elected; But if you satisfy the will of all the people, you will be loved." StanleyRMedley.info poses the questions: "Is it true there is no absolute truth? Is truth self-evident? Or is that just another lie.

or perhaps it only appears to be a lie to someone who cannot see. TRUTH is created.then usually hidden.then eventually revealed.

and THAT is the TRUTH about truth. This website is devoted to the pursuit of revealing truth. TRUE, there will be rules for the revelation of truth.but any rules here should be self-evidently TRUE." My favorite site is still StanleyRMedey.com.

I like the humor.

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